The Secret Life of Bees Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Mr. Hazelwurst led us to the last cell. 'Zach Taylor, you got visitors,' he said, then glanced at his watch (9.140).

In this passage, Eddie Hazelwurst is leading Lily and August to visit Zach. It's important to note that two characters end up in jail in the novel, both of them under unjust circumstances, and both of them African American. Given the social and political landscape the characters are working with (and the legacy of slavery), it's no wonder the novel is so preoccupied with the twin themes of imprisonment and escape.

Quote #8

I glanced at poor, shackled Mary. I couldn't bear seeing her like that (11.127).

During the Mary Day festivities, Lily gets upset seeing the statue of Mary all chained up. Hmm . . .

Quote #9

'That jail cell is gonna make me earn grades higher than I ever got. And when this year is over, nothing can keep me from leaving here and going to college' (11.147).

Zach decides to use his trip to jail as motivation to "fly" higher, escaping from any of the forces or concerns that would keep him in Tiburon (which would, presumably, keep him down, in his view).