The Secret Life of Bees Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Secret Life of Bees? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When Lily first meets Zach, she starts laughing because he is singing and shaking his hips just like ________ .

Buddy Holly
The Beatles
Elvis Presley
Q. Which movie star is rumored to be coming to Tiburon to help integrate their local movie theater?

Jack Palance
Marlon Brando
Elizabeth Taylor
Judy Garland
Q. What is the brand of the snuff Lily steals for Rosaleen?

Big Violet
White Lily
Red Rose
Happy Hydrangea
Q. What was the name of May's late twin?

Q. What is the shape of the pin Lily finds among her mother's things?

A bee
A rose
The moon
A whale