The Secret Life of Bees Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Secret Life of Bees? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Lily comes up with fake last names for herself and Rosaleen. What were they?

Washington and Lincoln
Jefferson and Davis
Smith and Williams
Smith and Wesson
Q. What is the statue of Our Lady of Chains?

A wood carving that August's grandmother made herself
An old figurehead from a ship
Its origins are unknown
Probably an example of alien life
Q. Early in the book, Lily is looking for a "sign" for what to do next, resolving: " I'll take nine steps and look up. Whatever my eyes light on, that's my sign." What did she see when she looked up?

An eagle
A robin
Um, the sky?
A crop dusting plane
Q. What is Lily supposed to send the bees?

Care packages
Q. What was the topic of Willifred Marchant's three Pulitzer Prize-winning books?

Deciduous trees
Tree frogs