The Selection Resources


Kiera Cass's Homepage

Kiera Cass has a prodigious online presence, and this website will be your gateway into it.

The Selection Wiki

Are you fiending for more contextual information? Enjoy this lovely, Selection-sized Wikipedia clone.

Movie or TV Productions

Kiera Cass Announces The Selection Film Adaptation

You knew it was coming, folks.

Articles and Interviews

The Daily Quirk Interviews Kiera Cass

Cass is one quirky gal, so she couldn't have found a better publication for this interview.

Kiera Cass talks about The One

Beware, all ye who enter: this interview touches on spoilers from later books in series. Still, if you don't mind, it's a great read.


The Selection Book Trailer

Apparently books have trailers now?

Margot Wood Interviews Kiera Cass

This is a great, in-depth interview, but we've got to drop another spoiler warning. Bummer. Consider checking it out, though, even if you haven't read the later books.


Publishers Look for the Next Hunger Games

This piece from NPR doesn't touch on The Selection directly, but it does have some fascinating insight into the rise of the YA dystopian novel.


Map of Illéa

Whoever was in charge of naming provinces in the Illéan government had a really silly sense of humor.