The Spanish Tragedy Act 1, Scene 3 Summary

  • Okay, now we get into the subplot for the first time.
  • So, now we're back in Portugal with losers of the war. And losing really has a negative effect on everyone's mood. The viceroy (or the acting king) is in an especially bad mood.
  • The viceroy has to pay tribute money to Spain after the big loss. That's right, not only do people die in these wars, but the rulers also bet on battles as if they were poker games.
  • The viceroy gets even moodier as he rashly assumes that his son died in battle. We obviously know his son is very much alive (ain't we smart?).
  • His cup-half-empty-attitude makes him ignore potential good news about his son.
  • Then out of nowhere, Villupo (a social climber) says that he witnessed the death of Balthazar. Say what? How can this be?
  • Villupo is a stoned-cold-liar. So he makes up a story about seeing Alexandro (a righteous dude) shooting Balthazar in the back.
  • In his depressed mood, the Viceroy hastily sentences Alexandro to death. Alexandro is then hauled off to a dungeon or some other horrible place to spend time before being executed.
  • Villupo is then given a reward for his 'honesty.' Now doesn't that just stink.