The Spanish Tragedy Act 2, Scene 4 Summary

  • Meanwhile, Bel-Imperia and Horatio are about to make secret kissy face in the garden. And they ask Pedringano to stand guard—whoops.
  • In good villainous form, Pedringano creeps out the audience by speaking directly to them: "Instead of watching I'll deserve more gold by fetching Don Lorenzo to this match" (2.4.12-13).
  • Bel-Imperia tells Horatio that she has a premonition that something bad is about to happen (it is, run!) but her lover comforts her by saying that all will be well (no really, run). Instead of listening to Bel-Imperia's concerns, the lovers talk lovey-like.
  • While they are busy smooching, Lorenzo, Balthazar, Serberine (a helpful henchman), and Pedringano (in disguise) enter the scene to get the drop on Horatio. They quickly hang Horatio from a tree, and as if being hanged wasn't enough, they repeatedly stab and mangle his body.
  • Bel-Imperia witnesses the merciless slaughter, crying bloody murder at the top of her lungs all the while.