The Spanish Tragedy Act 3, Scene 10 Summary

  • Our sadistic little messenger boy with the empty box comes back to Lorenzo and Balthazar to tell them that Pedringano is dead.
  • Given the happy news, Lorenzo sends the messenger to inform the jailor to free Bel-Imperia.
  • After getting freed, Bel-Imperia storms angrily on the scene. But Lorenzo tells her that he held her captive so that her dad wouldn't yell at her for slumming with Horatio.
  • Lorenzo then tells Bel-Imperia that he smoothed over the issues with dad.
  • Bel-Imperia has to know her brother is lying, but she plays her cards close to the chest.
  • The always eagerly persistent Balthazar busts into wooing mode again, but Bel-Imperia verbally beats down the would-be Romeo, once again.