The Spanish Tragedy Act 3, Scene 15 Summary

  • It's at this point that the chorus pops in to remind us that poor, dead Andrea is still watching the play.
  • And then the tragic goes funny as we realize that Revenge has literally fallen asleep while watching the play. Maybe he's bored? Whatever the case, it's a darkly funny moment in a largely dead serious play.
  • Andrea nearly has a meltdown when he finds Revenge sleeping. Revenge wipes the sleep from his eyes and says he's just waiting for the right moment—try this with your teachers.
  • Revenge rouses himself enough to speak the ominous line, "Nor dies revenge, although he sleep awhile; For in unquiet, quietness is feigned" (3.15.23-24). A line Shmoop translates as "wake me when it's time to kick butt!"
  • Sleep no more—it's time for the last act.