The Walking Dead Days Gone Bye Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Two policemen are in a gunfight against a hobo with a shotgun who doesn't want to go back to prison.
  • Instead of waiting for backup, one of the cops decides to make a run for the ditch so he can surround the crazy hobo.
  • His partner isn't very good at covering him. The gun gets shot right out of his hand.
  • The hobo then blows a chunk out of the other cop, who we learn is named Rick.
  • The next thing we know, Rick wakes up by himself in a hospital bed.
  • He takes out his breathing tubes and tries to walk, using his IV stand as support.
  • When he falls, he bangs on the call button and screams for a nurse… but no one comes.
  • Maybe this hospital doesn't accept his insurance.
  • Rick pulls out his IV and finds his clothes in a drawer, so he doesn't have to wander the halls with his rear end hanging out of his hospital gown.
  • The hospital's totally empty. Rick wonders aloud, "Did everyone just decide to take a break at the same time?!"
  • He takes the elevator, and when the doors open, a rotten corpse falls into the elevator facing Rick. Everyone knows it's rude to face the back of the elevator.
  • Rick approaches the cafeteria door, which has been boarded shut. The food in there must be really bad.
  • He unbars the door, opens it, and discovers almost twenty dead bodies.
  • And some of the dead bodies are still moving.
  • They move toward him and Rick runs, telling them to get away from him.
  • Being zombies, they don't listen. They pursue him to the stair well. (In case of zombie outbreak, do not take the elevator.)
  • One of the zombies falls down the stairs with Rick, and his head snaps off. The zombie's head, not Rick's.
  • Rick makes it outside, where the grass is super tall. Either the hospital fell behind on their landscaping, or Rick was unconscious for a long time.
  • He tries to get in a car, but it's locked.
  • He finds a bike, but there's a disgusting, mostly rotten corpse lying next to it.
  • The corpse tries to talk to Rick. "Guk" (55) it says. "Guh" (57). "Gar" (59).
  • Rick picks up the bicycle, but he collapses into the street and cries.