Isolation Quotes in The Walking Dead

How we cite our quotes: (Panel)

Quote #7

"Here we are…" (192)

It was eerie enough seeing an abandoned hospital. It's even stranger to see an entire abandoned city, especially one as large as Atlanta. Rick and his horse seem to be the only living beings there.

Quote #8

[Everyone walks away from Amy's grave, but Andrea remains kneeling nearby.] (657)

Even though Andrea is a part of the camp group, Amy was her sister. Now that Amy is dead, Andrea feels very, very alone.

Quote #9

[Everyone leaves Jim lying against a tree.] (700)

This might just be the loneliest scene in the whole chapter. Jim wants to become a zombie, so the group takes him to a clearing and leaves him there. He's alone physically, and he's alone emotionally, because no one else can imagine what he's experiencing.