The White Darkness Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I did not want to remember: Dad drinking his way through the Christmas wine, the chocolate liqueurs, the cider vinegar. Trying to drown the rats he said were nesting in his skull. (10.39)

Sym's dad went mad before his death and it seems like it was a pretty brutal descent to witness. Of course, it turns out he was being poisoned by Uncle Victor, not losing his mind organically.

Quote #5

It was crammed with page after page of mathematical calculations […]. The writing, sprawling at the start, became smaller and smaller from page to page, as if Victor realized he might run out of space. (10.85)

Uh-oh. A diary filled with tiny writing and weird calculations? Classic mental health crisis accessory. But when Sym finds it among Uncle Victor's things, she doesn't seem too alarmed.

Quote #6

I've often wondered: Is madness hereditary? Or can you catch it from dirty toilet seats? (11.2)

Haunted by her father's break with reality—he lost his mind before he died—Sym sometimes questions her own sanity. Seems like a perfectly reasonable concern.