The White Darkness Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"So you poisoned them," I said, trying to sound as if the logic of it was plain for all to see. (15.33)

Uncle Victor isn't just mad; he's also a murderer. Sym realizes she needs to be careful in questioning him. Who knows how he'll respond…

Quote #8

"To my way of thinking, their science will be more advanced. Politics, too. Meritocracy, wouldn't be surprised. If my projections are right, it won't be a bad place to raise nippers." (18.52)

When Victor tells Sym he wants her to live among the alien race that's indigenous to the other world within their world, she is… skeptical. And alarmed. And alone with him in the middle of nowhere. Gulp.

Quote #9

Victor believes in it because he wants it so much to be there. He's mad. He probably has been mad for years. (19.90)

Sym finally admits, without qualification, that Victor is bananas. It's about time. Unfortunately for Sym, he hasn't just been mad for years—he's been an influential figure in her life for years, too. Which means she's been told a whole heap of nonsense.