The World According to Garp Chapter 10 Summary

How It All Goes Down

The Dog in the Alley, the Child in the Sky

  • Garp tells Helen that they have to "get Duncan out of that mad woman's house" (10.1), but Helen simply eyes The Eternal Husband with suspicion.
  • After dinner, Garp sits down to tell Walt a bedtime story. Tonight, he improvises a story about a dog that belonged to a cafe owner in Vienna; the dog is tied to a large truck in the front.
  • The dog is taunted daily by a stray cat, but his leash is too short to reach it. He manages to move the truck a few feet—seemingly enough to get the cat—but the cat dodges and runs away. Unfortunately, he runs directly into the street and is hit by a car.
  • That night, Garp has a nightmare. He's on an airplane with Duncan, who needs to pee. Garp tells him to go to the bathroom by himself, but Duncan opens the wrong door and is "sucked through the open door and into the heavens" (10.183). Garp tries to save him but is sucked out as well. Eek.