Character Analysis

We know Mrs. Miller as Mama, because that's what Billy calls her… you know, because she's his mom. She's married to Mr. Miller (a.k.a. Papa), and she's a high school English teacher, too. Between her job and her family, this is one busy lady.

Here's what's great about Mama, though: She's also the kind of lady who's ready to help her son out no matter what. She gives him inspiration for the poem he has to write, and when he's up on stage, she has the backup paper copy for him just in case. Plus, she's got loads of faith that her son is awesome as can be. Check it out:

"How did you have a copy of poem?" asked Billy.

"I took it from Ms. Silver when I followed you onto the stage," replied Mama.

A moment passed and then Billy asked, "Did you think that I couldn't do it?"

Without missing a beat, Mama said, "I just wanted a souvenir from this wonderful night."

Whatever the reason, Billy was grateful that Mama had done what she'd done. (4.5.54-58)

Well if that's not proof that Mama Miller is awesome-sauce, we don't know what is. She knows exactly how to support Billy and she doesn't even have to embarrass him. Plus, she's a quick thinker. Who knows if she actually took that paper copy of the poem as a souvenir, but she's ready to tell a little white lie if she has to.

We have to admit that Mama seems like she might be Superwoman in disguise. It's almost like there's nothing wrong with her at all.