What Happened to Goodbye Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Where is your sense of adventure? Of change? This could be really, really good for the restaurant. A return to its past glory days!" Opal said. (12.16)

Well, well, well… Talk about a change of heart. Opal—who was dead-set against change for Luna Blu—is now thinking about how she can revitalize the restaurant and make it more profitable in the future. Looks like Mclean's dad has rubbed off on her after all.

Quote #8

Here, though, it was different. We'd come in the same way, but since then everything had changed, from me using my real name to my dad starting to date even with no next move in sight. Add in the fact that I was actually on decent terms with my mom, and this was officially an entirely new ball game. (12.20)

Both Mclean and her dad are stepping outside of their comfort zone in Lakeview, and it's about time. They've been moving along like restaurant fixing robots for so long that they desperately needed a reminder to stop and actually live for once.

Quote #9

The street was dark, no cars in sight as I pulled onto the road. I had no idea where I was, but I knew how to get where I was going. I put on my blinker and turned right, toward North Reddemane. (14.131)

In her worst moment, Mclean knows that she has to go somewhere that feels like home to her… or at least someplace familiar. She gets into her car and hits the open road, because sometimes that's what you've got to do when you're feeling lost and lonely.