The Witches Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"No," she said. "I doubt that. One child is as good as any other to those creatures." (4.93)

To the witches, all children are the same. Even just by looking at the difference between our narrator and Bruno Jenkins, though, we know that's not actually the case.

Quote #5

She had a key to my door and she kept bursting in at all hours, trying to catch me with the mice out of the cage. (5.53)

Adults really can be party poopers, can't they?

Quote #6

At that point, I think I fainted. The whole thing was altogether too much for a small boy to cope with. (6.19)

Our narrator is very aware that he's still a "small boy." Do you think this is a good awareness for a young person, or does it make him less likely to enjoy his childhood? What other parts of the book make you answer that way?