The Witches Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

What's so wonderful about being a little boy anyway? Why is that necessarily any better than being a mouse? […] Little boys have to go to school. Mice don't. Mice don't have to pass exams. (13.6)

What is so wonderful about being a little boy? Our narrator seems pretty content as a mouse, but in all the excitement, he seems to have forgotten that being a boy wasn't all that bad either. What do you think he's forgetting?

Quote #8

The fact that a tiny little creature like me had caused such a commotion among a bunch of grown-up men gave me a happy feeling. (18.44)

The narrator is talking here about a mouse versus a bunch of humans. Still, it also reflects the commotion that a kid, like him, is able to cause among the adults in the hotel. He's a "tiny little creature" in mouse form, but, even in his previous form, he was still pretty little compared to everyone around him.

Quote #9

"No more school!" said Bruno, grinning a broad and asinine mouse-grin. "No more homework! I shall live in the kitchen cupboard and feast on raisins and honey!" (19.19)

Ah, the things little boys worry about. Down with school and homework! If it had been an adult who was turned into a mouse, how might this statement have been different?