Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

The bear, for a moment, just sulked as he sat
For he knew that his ears couldn't hear things like that. (Brag.42-43)

Unlike in the other two stories in this collection, the dissatisfaction in "The Big Brag" is a little more difficult to find. But to that, we ask you a question: when someone's got to brag all the time, are they confident and happy with what they've got? Probably not. In this passage, that dissatisfaction bubbles on up to the surface. Just before the bear begins to do some bragging of his own, he feels vulnerable, focusing on just how little he has compared to the rabbit. He's dissatisfied, and, just like all of the other characters in this collection, he's going to do something about it.