Typical Day

Typical Day

Happy Highkick starts her day at 4:00AM. It's game day and Happy's excited to finally put her new routine into action. She goes over the routine in her mind as she eats a handful of almonds and drinks a kale and citrus smoothie with a dash of protein powder.

Perfect hair is important. (Source)

At 4:30AM, Happy begins the process of washing, curling, and coiffing her hair, exactly the way she does every game day. A flat iron, hot rollers, a hairdryer, and half a pound of product later, her hair looks exactly like it did when she posed for her team photo.

At 5:30AM, Happy embarks on the painstaking task of putting on her game-day makeup. She starts with moisturizing and toning, then sprays a tan foundation on her face and chest. The rest of her body is already tanned to perfection. Once she has a base layer, she applies blush, shadow, eyeliner, false eyelashes, eyebrow powder, lip liner, and bright red lipstick. The entire process takes just under an hour—a record time for Happy. She's relieved to have gotten through it so fast.

Next in the game-day-prep-saga is getting dressed, which Happy does at 6:30AM. She double-checks her hairstyle again and applies another coat of light hairspray that'll hopefully hold the style without making it look stiff.

Once Happy gets to the stadium at 8:00AM, she parks her car and hurries in to meet her team. The girls are all waiting for her. They greet her and immediately get to talking like co-workers in any other break room.

The team takes the field at 9:00AM in preparation for the 1:00PM game. They spend an hour stretching, doing some mild cardio, and running through their routine to make sure everyone's on point—especially Heather, who'll be the pyramid's literal point.

Once the run-through is over, Happy quickly eats a sugar-free protein bar and has a glass of water, hoping that'll be enough to energize her for the day. She then goes back to the practice field with her teammates and they all continue to work on their routine. 

At 12:00PM, an hour before kick-off, the team puts the finishing touches on their makeup and hair, both of which have gotten a little messy from the pre-game practice. After all, the cameras are lined up all along the field. Everything has to be perfect.

Lights, camera, football. (Source)

At 1:00PM, it's game time—and show time. Happy is elated to take the field with her teammates. For the next four hours she dances, kicks, jumps, and cheers her heart out for her beloved team. Her mouth hurts from smiling so much. The yelling and cheering fans make her feel like a star.

The game ends around 4:30PM. Happy's team lost and the players are upset, angry, and deflated. Happy's bummed too (she's a fan of the team, after all), but the cheerleaders have done their job successfully. Besides, there's always next Sunday.

The cheerleaders gather together and the team captain gives a rundown of all the mistakes every girl made during the course of the game. Happy made a couple errors—her kicks were a bit too high, and there was an instance in which she had a funny look on her face. She takes the notes like a champ; she'll make sure to go over the routine on her day off tomorrow.

Happy finally heads home around 6:00PM after hugging her teammates goodbye on the way out. She won't see them again until Tuesday's practice.

At 7:00PM, Happy stumbles into her apartment, completely exhausted. She has to get up at the crack of dawn to work at her job as a radiologist. She knows she can't stay up late, but she's so tired she doubts she could stay up even if she wanted to. 

She sits down for a minute and almost falls asleep—remembering just before she nods off that she's still wearing a face full of makeup. She heads to the bathroom to literally wipe the cheer off her face.