
Unlike many medical professions, being a cytogenetic technologist isn't particularly stressful. You aren't doing emergency life-saving stuff, and there's no such thing as a rush job. Culturing samples so you can study them correctly just takes time; you can't plant a seed one day and expect a fully grown plant the next. Even bamboo doesn't grow that quickly.

You may have to rush to look at a cross-section under a microscope sometimes, or have a sample go bad for some reason, but that's about as bad as it gets. Other stress factors may include picking up shifts when needed, or missing a few holidays with your family because the hospital never closes.

No job is stress-free, but neither is life. You just have to be aware and try not to let stress from one area of your life negatively impact the other. Here's a little healthy advice: have some fun. Plan events to look forward to and don't cheat the sandman.