
As an electrical engineer, you'll have the power over anything that uses electrical, well, power. There's got to be a certain sense of power you feel when you execute a complex task simply by directing the flow of particles so small they don't even make sense.

Yeah. Science. (Source)

In terms of things above the quantum scale, your typical electrical engineer isn't going to have that much clout, unless he or she goes the supervillain route—we're looking at you, Magneto.

The more feasible route to power in the field of electrical engineering is if one invents a new device or method, or gets in on the ground floor of a new business, and strikes it rich...without becoming evil. We haven't forgotten about you, Magneto.

The true power of an electrical engineer, of course, is the power to shape and improve the world by designing gadgets. Just think of all of the influence you'll have over people's lives. Imagine life without cell phones, or life with robots. Imagine seeing self-driving cars on the roads and knowing that you had a hand in their creation. The possibilities are exciting, and it's all a matter of what electrical engineers are working on.

Although you're more likely to be part of a team executing someone else's vision, if you're able to make scientific breakthroughs, the sky's the limit (unless you work on a space station).