
Average Salary: $89,630

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $3,741,873

Being an electrical engineer isn't an easy gig, and you'll be compensated accordingly.

The average annual salary for EEs is nearly $90k, with the average hourly rate coming in at $43 dollars (source). The salary spectrum for EEs is pretty wide—with engineers at the lower end making closer to $60k, and those at the higher end coming in at nearly $140k (source).

Either way, it's a livable salary and you may even make enough to start paying back those student loans. Within a couple of years you might even be able to buy some property, support a family, and look into taking over the world. Totally your call, though.

Seems like a decent consolation prize. (Source)

No, EEs aren't quite making that private-jet money, but they're still making that pretty-sweet-(electric?)-car kind of money.