Odds of Getting In

Odds of Getting In

Props to you on finishing your dissertation, "The Expression, Function, and Stem Cell Lineage of the Nematodes in Trichinella Roundworms." Bet it made the New York Times' Bestsellers list and everything.

But now you need a job. Can you get one in the field? The stem cell field is so new that it's basically the infant (embryo?) of the whole biology field. Stem cells were only discovered in 1998 (source). So there's still space in the field for you.

Still, who wouldn't want to look at this skyline on a regular basis? (Source)

For biologists in general, your chances of finding a job look best in parts of the U.S. where there are strong research universities. Think California, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Texas (source). In stem cell research, though, be prepared to go far away for a job. After the Bush administration curtailed federal funds to stem cell research, many researchers went to other countries like Singapore (source).