What to Bring With You to THE TEST

What to Bring With You to THE TEST

You’ll need a bit more than a #2 pencil if you want to pass your driving test:

1. Any driver license you’ve gotten from another state, if applicable. You won’t be issued a New Hampshire license unless you turn the old one in, as no one is allowed to hold more than one license at any given time.                                                                                             2. TWO forms of positive identification. They should exhibit your name, address, and date of birth. Forms of negative identification are discouraged.
3. A vehicle that is legally registered, inspected, and in safe running condition. They frown on applicants trying to display their parallel parking skills via unicycle.
4. A licensed driver to drive you to and from the test location. Maybe you’re a wizard, and you aparated to the DMV and transfigured a ficus into a Ferrari. Happens all the time. Unfortunately, The Man won’t believe that, no matter how real your Hogwarts Student ID looks, so have someone drive you there (and stay with you, just in case you ::gasp:: fail).

NOTE: If you do have a license from another state, make sure that it isn’t currently suspended or revoked, because if it is, New Hampshire isn’t going to just issue you one of theirs. Any license from another state must be current and valid. Nice try, though.