The Bad Beginning Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Bad Beginning? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Violet invent to rescue Sunny from the tower?

A ladder
A grappling hook
A flying machine
A hoverboard
Q. What will Count Olaf do to the children after he gets his hands on their enormous fortune?

Kill them
Maim them
Force them to do even more difficult chores
Give them tickets to another play written by Al Funcoot
Q. When Sunny says, "Book!" what does Lemony Snicket think she means?

"Please don't forget to pick out a picture book for me."
"Would somebody please wipe my face?"
"I'd rather be gardening."
"We should look for a book on inheritance law in Justice Strauss's library."
Q. Which one of these is not an unfortunate event that happens to the Baudelaires?

Their parents perish in a terrible fire.
Poor Sunny is imprisoned in a birdcage.
They're forced to try Count Olaf's recipe for roast beef.
Mrs. Poe buys them ugly clothing.
Q. According to Mr. Poe, what does the Latin term "in loco parentis" mean?

Parents just don't understand.
It has to do with something about trains.
You must always use parenthesis.
A greedy villain may raise the children in any way he sees fit.