Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Allusions & Cultural References

When authors refer to other great works, people, and events, it’s usually not accidental. Put on your super-sleuth hat and figure out why.

  • Hershey Bar. In the days before bean-to-bar, before people knew what "artisanal" was, back when high fructose corn syrup was a godsend, these were the ultimate reward for any child of classic Americana.
  • Corvette Sting Ray car. Is there anything cooler?
  • Junior Undercover Agent code ring. A secret prize and a secret message? Awesomesauce! These babies were the pick of the litter for mail-in rewards and breakfast cereal scavengers from the 1930s up until people grew wary of, um, choking hazards.
  • Mickey Mouse night light. In the golden age of branding, every child wanted this guy watching over them while they slept.