Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page)

Quote #1

I could tell it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day (1)

Children are pretty good at exaggerating, and since they don't have fancy words like "atrocious," "abominable," or "grievous," a long list of okay words is gonna have to do. There's another thing here, too: the sense of doom, the decision to be upset before the day has really begun—it's a telltale sign of the rigid thinking of a young child.

Or a politician.

Quote #2

[Illustration page 1: Alexander's room]

Alexander's room shows some obvious signs of little-kid-ness. Sure, he may talk a big game with his long narrative and pseudo self-awareness, but from the very beginning, we know he's a teddy-bear-snuggling, toy-train-playing, drum-banging little kid.

Quote #3

I hope you sit on a tack, I said to Paul. I hope the next time you get a double-decker strawberry ice-cream cone the ice cream part falls off the cone part and lands in Australia (9)

Kid Logic. That's the best word for it. How else could the ice cream make it all the way down under?