All the Bright Places Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

And then below these giant white letters are column after column, line after line, that say Before I die I want to ______. And the blanks have been filled in with different colors of chalk, smudged and half melted from the rain and snow, in all different handwriting. (17.5)

It turns out Violet wants to drive again. Finch wants to meet Boy Parade and kiss Violet. He gets one of those wishes, anyway.

Quote #5

Even though it isn't much yet, I take a picture and send it to Finch. I write: Look what you've got me doing. (22.6)

Finch gets Violet writing again by tricking her into taking notes for their school project. Eventually, it leads to her planning a new web magazine.

Quote #6

Then we're under the blanket again, discussing all the places in the world we want to wander […] Without consulting the computer, we list the places we might go, taking turns. (38.28, 38.32)

Violet and Finch make plans for their future, traveling together beyond the confines of Indiana. It doesn't happen for him, but she still hopes to wander.