All the Bright Places Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

We alternate choosing places to go, but we also have to be willing to go where the road takes us. This means the grand, the small, the bizarre, the poetic, the beautiful, the ugly, the surprising. Just like life. (4.4)

This is one of Finch's "rules for wandering." Life is a highway, etc.

Quote #5

Then his voice turns light again and he is singing the words. You'll find the bright places where the Boom Bands are playing. (20.34-20.35)

By now, you probably recognize this quote (from Oh, the Places You'll Go!). That book is all about exploring life—and this one is, too.

Quote #6

I tell myself that we can just take off in Little Bastard and head west or east, north or south, till we've left Indiana far behind. We'll wander the country and then the world, just Theodore Finch and me. (38.9)

Violet and Finch fantasize about a road trip, but it never happens.