All the Bright Places Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I can't even think of my parents, forced to deal with the death of their only remaining child. Not even an accidental death, but an intentional one. That's one reason I came tonight without a fight. I feel ashamed of what I almost put them through. (5.22)

Violet wasn't thinking about her parents when she was standing on that ledge, but she sure is thinking about them now.

Quote #5

The act of writing…makes me feel as if I'm cheating on her. Maybe because I'm here and she's not, and the whole thing—every big or small moment I've lived since last April—feels like cheating in some way. (13.51)

Why does Violet blame herself for her sister's death, anyway?

Quote #6

"You deserve better. I can't promise you I'll stay around, not because I don't want to. It's hard to explain. I'm a f***up. I'm broken, and no one can fix it. I've tried. I'm still trying. I can't love anyone because it's not fair to anyone who loves me back." (32.56)

Finch doesn't think he deserves love. But Violet loves him just the way he is.