All the Bright Places Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I love…the way she looks at me as if there's only me, as if she can see past the flesh and bone and bulls*** right into the me that's there, the one I don't even see myself. (40.79)

It's true that, on some level, Violet sees Finch more clearly than he sees himself. On another level, there are things he hides from her that make him hard to know.

Quote #8

Amanda, as Rachel, avoids looking at me. In a wooden voice she recites, "I'm Rachel, I'm seventeen, I'm bulimic, and I tried to kill myself twice, both times with pills. I hide myself away with smiles and gossip." (44.15)

Looks like Finch isn't the only one hiding his mental illness. The big reveal of Amanda's secret is sort of awful, though, considering she's so mean to Finch for being a "freak."

Quote #9

Which of my feelings are real? Which of the mes is me? There is only one me I've ever really liked, and he was good and awake as long as he could be. (49.2)

Finch's identity is so fractured or broken. He doesn't have a strong sense of self. He feels lost.