Supernatural Quotes in City of Ashes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"NAKIR!" she cried, staggering to her feet, the blade outstretched and pointed at the Raum demon. (2.12.118)

The angel blades will be familiar to anyone who read the first book. This is a rare occasion when Clary actually uses one to fight and hold her ground.

Quote #8

Of course, Jace though, neither the boy nor the motorcycle was really alive; they both ran on demon energies, fed by the night. (2.13.3)

The vampire might be familiar, but the demon motorcycle is a nice touch from the first book, and a unique device that reminds us we're in this magical world.

Quote #9

"I've never seen that Mark before," [Luke] said finally. (3.13.69)

Any supernatural story has to up the stakes at some point, and that's what Clary's mysterious new power does. She's able to create brand-new runes that surprise everyone.