The Confidence-Man Chapter 25 Summary

The Cosmopolitan Makes an Acquaintance

  • A guy in a bad suit with an even worse pukey violet vest speaks to the now-gloomy cosmopolitan. He comments on Pitch's misanthropy and compares him to the "Indian-hating" Colonel John Moredock of Illinois.
  • The cosmopolitan doesn't know who that is, but he's shocked that anyone would hate Indians. He has a moment of fetishizing the other with his Pocahontas was super-cool opinions.
  • The new guy says he knows all about Moredock; plus, when he was a kid, he and his dad rested their horses at the dude's cabin once. He peeked into the Colonel's room but only found a squirrel instead of the napping man who was supposed to be there.
  • The cosmopolitan agrees to hear more about this Indian-hating man with a rifle. That'll be in the next chapter, though.