The Confidence-Man Chapter 6 Summary

At the Outset of Which Certain Passengers Prove Deaf to the Call of Charity

  • A rich dude decked out in Ruby hues is miffed that the captain lets "begging fellows" on board. He's talking about a man in grey and white—right in front of the dude. Rude.
  • Ruby stomps away, and an old gentleman walks by. Grey-and-white asks him if he wants to donate to the Seminole Widow and Orphan Asylum. He does not. Like, at all. Plus, he accuses Grey-and-white of being a fake.
  • Grey-and-white stands around looking glum.
  • The Episcopal clergyman from way back when pops up. He recognizes Grey-and-white as yet another man that Guinea, the coin-catching man, described when he needed character witnesses.
  • Grey-and-white: Yeah, I know that guy.
  • Clergyman: He's not a fake?
  • Grey-and-white: Not a fake.
  • Clergyman: Oh, man, my bad. I feel all the guilt. I should apologize.
  • Grey-and-white: Too bad and too late. Guinea's gone.
  • Clergyman: I Messed Up.
  • The guy with the wooden leg shows up and sort of weirdly laugh-groans. This turns into a whole "You laughing at me?" debate between him and the clergyman. He then tells Grey-and-white and the clergyman a jaded story about a man in New Orleans who was so trusting that he couldn't tell his wife was cheating on him. The other two do not like this guy and his bad attitude one little bit. He walks away.
  • The clergyman tells Grey-and-white that this guy is the reason he suspected poor Guinea in the first place—not right away, but the dude's mean-spirited doubts sort of crept up on him.
  • First off, Grey-and-white wants to call the mean man back to see if he was just joshing. The clergyman calls him back. You joshing?
  • Not joshing.
  • He's not joshing, Grey-and-white.
  • Grey-and-white is icked out by this type of suspicious mindset.
  • The mean man leaves again, and the clergyman promises to shield his own mind from distrust, then gives Grey-and-white a coin to give to Guinea when he next sees him. Grey-and-white totes will do that. In the meantime, will the clergyman donate to the Seminole Widow and Orphan Asylum?
  • The clergyman eyes Grey-and-white suspiciously.
  • Grey-and-white: Dude, what even? You just said you'd chill out.
  • Clergyman: No, no—you got it wrong. I'm trying to show you I'm better. Here's money. But umm, you're not lying, right? You have papers to prove you're working with a charity?
  • Grey-and-white: Yeah. I'll write your name down in this here logbook and everything. It's cool.