Coraline Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Perhaps there are no souls hidden in here, she thought. Perhaps I can just leave and go somewhere else. (8.79)

Even brave little Coraline wishes she could run for it. Here she tries to figure out a way to get out of Miss Spink and Miss Forcible's theater.

Quote #8

"I'm an explorer," said Coraline out loud, but her words sounded muffled and dead on the misty air. She had made it out of the cellar, hadn't she? (10.2)

Saying "I'm an explorer" is sort of Coraline's mantra: it's a phrase she repeats to pump herself up. But here we get a good contrast between Coraline's strong words and the details the narrator provides about her muffled voice.

Quote #9

Just stay there a few moment longer, she thought at it, wondering if it could hear her. I'll get us both home. I said I would. I promise. She felt the cat relax ever so slightly in her arms. (11.21)

This is one of Coraline's bravest moments, we think. She sets aside her own fears to comfort the cat and give him courage, too.