Coraline Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And then it took shape in the mist: a dark house, which loomed at them out of the formless whiteness.

"But that's –" said Coraline.

"The house you just left," agreed the cat. "Precisely." (6.51-53)

The fact that the entire other world is so small makes Coraline feel disoriented; imagine if suddenly all that existed was your house and your yard.

Quote #8

There was nothing else there in the mirror. Just her, in the corridor.

A hand touched her shoulder, and she looked up. The other mother stared down at Coraline with big black button eyes. (6.74-75)

This scene freaked us out a little and made us wonder if the other mother was a vampire. We love the immediate shift here, too. One second, Coraline is alone, the next, the other mother is there.

Quote #9

Through the stone the world was gray and colorless, like a pencil drawing. (8.116)

Once Coraline starts looking through the stone, we see a sharper contrast between what the other mother wants her to see, and what the other world really is. Which one – if either – is reality?