Daniel Deronda Chapter 31 Summary

  • Gwendolen and Grandcourt get hitched. The only people who look sad are Mrs. Davilow and Anna.
  • For all of the anxiety that Gwendolen's been feeling during her engagement, she is surprisingly cheerful during her wedding.
  • After the wedding, Mrs. Davilow helps Gwendolen change into her travelling clothes. She's noticeably upset, mostly because Gwendolen is leaving her.
  • Gwendolen leaves; Mr. Gascoigne tells Mrs. Davilow that she should be happy.
  • Gwendolen and Grandcourt arrive at their home. He kisses her on the lips for the first time. No, seriously.
  • Grandcourt is more in love than he ever thought he would be!
  • Gwendolen sits alone for a bit. The housekeeper comes in with a package for her. If this moment were a movie, the music would start to get really dark and serious.
  • Gwendolen opens the package and finds the diamonds. She couldn't have been more freaked out if there had been a snake in front of her.
  • She reads the note from Lydia. It's like, "You broke your promise to me. Grandcourt is a bad man.  You knew what you were getting yourself into.  Karma is going to kick your butt."
  • Grandcourt walks back into the room. Gwendolen flips out and starts screaming uncontrollably.