Daniel Deronda Secrets Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

To avoid meeting [Lush] [Gwendolen] turned aside and walked with her back towards the stand of carriages, opening the letter. It contained these words—

'If Miss Harleth is in doubt whether she should accept Mr. Grandcourt, let her break from her party after they have passed the Whispering Stones and return to that spot. She will then hear something to decide her, but she can only hear it by keeping this letter a strict secret from every one. If she does not act according to this letter, she will repent, as the woman who writes it has repented. The secrecy Miss Harleth will feel herself bound in honour to guard.'

Gwendolen felt an inward shock, but her immediate thought was, "It is come in time." (14.29-31)

What story would be complete without a little intrigue? Here, Gwendolen finds herself involved in a secret agreement with Lydia Glasher, whose secrets have the power to sway Gwendolen's decision as to whether or not she should marry Grandcourt.

Quote #2

Daniel felt the presence of a new guest who seemed to come with an enigmatic veiled face, and to carry dimly-conjectured, dreaded revelations. The ardour which he had given to the imaginary world in his books suddenly rushed towards his own history and spent its pictorial energy there, explaining what he knew, representing the unknown. The uncle whom he loved very dearly took the aspect of a father who held secrets about him—who had done him a wrong—yes, a wrong: and what had become of his mother, from whom he must have been taken away?—secrets about which he, Daniel, could never inquire; for to speak or be spoken to about these new thoughts seemed like falling flakes of fire to his imagination. (16.10)

Here, we sense that Daniel feels a little bit trapped. He knows that something's up, but he feels like he can't ask about the thing that bothers him most – his true identity.

Quote #3

But the summing up of all his fluctuating experience at this epoch was, that a secret impression had come to him which had given him something like a new sense in relation to all the elements of his life. And the idea that others probably knew things concerning him which they did not choose to mention, and which he would not have had them mention, set up in him a premature reserve which helped to intensify his inward experience. His ears were open now to words which before that July day would have passed by him unnoted; and round every trivial incident which imagination could connect with his suspicions, a newly-roused set of feelings were ready to cluster themselves. (16.12)

Doesn't it stink when you realize that someone knows something that you don't? Well, yeah, especially when it's something as personal as your own identity. Here we see Daniel becoming extra-vigilant, trying to uncover some clues that will help him figure out who he is.