Daniel Deronda Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Daniel Deronda.

Identity Quotes

A large corner of the handkerchief seemed to have been recklessly torn off to get rid of a mark; but she at once believed in the first image of 'the stranger' that presented itself to her mind. It...

Religion Quotes

Of learned and accomplished Jews [Daniel] took it for granted that they had dropped their religion, and wished to be merged in the people of their native lands. Scorn flung at a Jew as such would h...

Family Quotes

It was always arranged, when possible, that [Gwendolen] should have a small bed in her mamma's room; for Mrs. Davilow's motherly tenderness clung chiefly to her eldest girl, who had been born in a...

Gender Quotes

[Gwendolen] had begun to believe in her luck, others had begun to believe in it: she had visions of being followed by a cortege who would worship her as a goddess of luck and watch her play as a di...

Choices Quotes

Even in Gwendolen's mind that result was one of two likelihoods that presented themselves alternately, one of two decisions towards which she was being precipitated, as if they were two sides of a...

Society and Class Quotes

The implicit confidence that her destiny must be one of luxurious ease, where any trouble that occurred would be well clad and provided for, had been stronger in her own mind than in her mamma's, b...

Power Quotes

Under all her saucy satire, provoked chiefly by her divination that her friends thought of him as a desirable match for her, [Gwendolen] felt something very far from indifference as to the impressi...

Foreignness and 'The Other' Quotes

Those who were taking their pleasure at a higher strength, and were absorbed in play, showed very distant varieties of European type: Livonian and Spanish, Greco-Italian and miscellaneous German, E...

Marriage Quotes

"Why did you marry again, mamma? It would have been nicer if you had not."Mrs. Davilow coloured deeply, a slight convulsive movement passed over her face, and straightway shutting up the memorials...

Secrets Quotes

To avoid meeting [Lush] [Gwendolen] turned aside and walked with her back towards the stand of carriages, opening the letter. It contained these words—'If Miss Harleth is in doubt whether she sho...