Dark Water Chapter 37 Summary

  • One day while Pearl is working, Mary Beth comes into Subway and orders a sandwich.
  • Pearl can't help her surprise at seeing her, especially when she asks to talk to Pearl.
  • Mary Beth explains that she hasn't heard from Robby all summer—they dated for a while, but he's gone MIA lately.
  • Pearl tells Mary Beth that she hasn't heard much from her cousin either since he's in France at the moment.
  • That's the truth, but she doesn't mention the fact that Robby was only dating her to make a point about her fooling around with Hoyt.
  • Pearl feels sorry for Mary Beth, but then reminds herself that she's having an affair with Pearl's uncle and doesn't deserve sympathy.
  • Mary Beth offers Pearl her sandwich, but Pearl turns her down (even though she's hungry). Then she throws it in the trash and leaves. Pearl wishes she had taken it after all.