Dark Water Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Dark Water.

Love Quotes

My mother looked at the thumb and said, in a very slow and controlled voice, as if she were issuing instructions for bomb-defusing, "Your dad was here. He said he doesn't love me anymore. He hasn't...

Guilt and Blame Quotes

There are three chairs on the covered patio: one for him, one for me, and one for Uncle Hoyt. I tell myself the chairs are empty because we're not there yet. I watch for as long as I can and when m...

Language and Communication Quotes

She was born and raised in France, a point of superiority to her way of thinking that made it hard for all of us, except Robby and Hoyt, to do anything but tolerate her. (5.5)

Choices Quotes

He said it happened two weeks ago when his mother was on her way to Paris and his dad was supposedly gunning his motorbike on trails. Robby wasn't supposed to be home, either, because the Redlands...

Youth Quotes

I first saw Amiel de la Cruz Guerrero on the corner of one of those Etch A Sketch streets, where Alvarado meets Stage Coach. I was fifteen and he was seventeen, although he told employers he was tw...

Loyalty Quotes

For reasons I can't explain to you because at the time it just seemed like our fate, my father didn't have to keep paying the mortgage on our four-bedroom, three-and-a-half-bath Spanish ranch. We w...

Lies and Deceit Quotes

Some people can lie, and some people can't. My father was a world-class liar, for instance. We never suspected a thing until the day of the Talbots dress. (8.15)

Poverty Quotes

One corner of which was a day-labor gathering site, meaning Mexican and Guatemalan men would stand around on the empty lot hoping to get a day's work digging trenches, moving furniture, hauling fir...