Dark Water Chapter 55 Summary

  • Pearl and her mom go back to Lemon Drop Ranch to salvage anything left from the fire.
  • Some stuff is easy to distinguish (like a fork), while other stuff is just ash.
  • Pearl asks her mom if she remembers when she burned all of her wedding pictures; her mom does. She then comments that her mom could have just waited since the whole house burned down.
  • Her mom points out that she wouldn't have burned Pearl's baby pictures.
  • Pearl finds one of the little presents Amiel left for her in the burned out tree house and tells her mom about it.
  • She can tell her mom doesn't want to know about Amiel.
  • When Pearl says she wants to go to the woods to see if Amiel is okay, her mom says she can't go.
  • So Pearl tells her mom she hates her guts.