Dark Water Genre

Young Adult Literature; Coming-of-Age

True to young adult lit form, Dark Water is about that tricky transition from adolescence to adulthood. Pearl is fifteen and Amiel is seventeen, and though their love is forbidden, that doesn't seem to stop them (especially Pearl). Plus both Pearl and Amiel make big, life changing decisions—about family, about honesty, and more—which is a tried and true trait of YA lit. Add in the fact that the language is definitely digestible for teens, and we're certain we have a YA book in our hands.

As for the coming of age bit, Dark Water definitely has a foot in that genre's door. Pearl doesn't exactly wind up a proper adult by the end, but she is well on her way. She starts out impulsive, but as the story comes to a close we see her planning her steps carefully instead of just chasing after her heart with nary a concern for what might happen along the way.