Doll Bones Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Zach had a different way for speaking for each of his figures. He wasn't sure that anyone could tell his voices apart, but he felt different when he talked in them. (1.4)

Playing with different characters makes Zach feel different inside. In this way, the game seems closely connected to his inner world.

Quote #2

Lady Jaye was a thief who'd begun traveling with William the Blade after she'd been unsuccessful in picking his pocket. She was loud and wild, almost nothing like Alice […]. (1.5)

Playing with toys lets Zach, Alice, and Poppy explore different sides of their identities. With Lady Jaye, the usually reserved Alice explores her wild side.

Quote #3

He liked the way the story unfolded as he wrote, liked the way the answers just came to him sometimes, out of the blue, like they were true things just waiting to be discovered by him. (2.20)

Playing and writing are two ways in which Zach explores the world around him. But now he's about to go explore the real world…