Doll Bones Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Poppy turned impatiently to Zach for an explanation. She never liked it when she wasn't part of a conversation and hated the idea that her friends had kept any secrets from her. (1.49)

Poppy hates feeling left out. Which is a problem, because Zach and Alice's friendship might be turning into something more.

Quote #2

One by one the mass of kids who walked home together would gather and then peel away into clumps headed in different directions, until it was just Poppy and Alice and him. Then one of them would ask, "Want to play?" like always. (3.19)

As readers, we only witness the gang play one time before Zach's dad ditches his toys. But we know that getting together after school has been their routine for a while—note the inclusion of "like always" at the end of this excerpt. Playing the game is part of their daily lives.

Quote #3

Alice's descriptions of Lady Jaye's antics had made Zach laugh so hard that his stomach hurt. (4.24)

Sounds like a great first date, right? Well, more accurately it was a play date, since Lady Jaye is a toy. But still.