Doll Bones The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Apparently, one time, Poppy had woken in the middle of the night and found her sister—with whom she shared a room—sitting upright in bed. "If she gets out of the case, she'll come for us," her sister had said, blank-faced, before slumping back down on her pillow. (1.37)

The incident with Poppy's sister occurred in the past, before the book even begins, which means the Queen has loomed creepily in their imaginations for some time.

Quote #2

While he stared at her, trying to figure out if he was imagining things, her lashes fluttered once, as if stirred by an impossible breeze.

Or as if she was a sleeper on the verge of awakening. (1.64-1.65)

Maybe there is a slight shift in the air that makes the Queen's eyelashes flutter. Except she is in a closed case… Excuse us while we turn on all the lights.

Quote #3

"When you drive past a cemetery, you have to hold your breath. If you don't, the spirits of the newly dead can get in your body through your mouth and then they can possess you." (3.46)

Poppy clearly enjoys freaking Zach out with superstitions and scary stories. Is her tale about the Queen just a creepy prank to get him back for being mean to her? How can you tell?