Choices Quotes in Eclipse

How we cite our quotes: (chapter.paragraph)

Quote #7

[Jacob to Bella, about becoming a werewolf:] "But at first it sort of felt like being drafted into a war… There was no choice." (21.321)

Obviously, Jacob's genetic makeup and heritage left him no choice but to morph into a werewolf and join the pack. It was his vocation. Yet, he still has a choice to live a normal life instead of this vocation. But is it wrong to dismiss what you were "born" to do?

Quote #8

[Jacob to Edward:] "I think you were just worried that if you really forced her to choose, she might not choose you." (22.126)

Edward fears that Bella's nature might cause her to choose Jacob if Edward forced her to decide between them. Does Bella often make choices to rebel against being limited in her own freedom?

Quote #9

[Alice to Bella:] "I'm sorry you have to choose between two good things." (26.49)

Apparently, it's harder to choose between two good things than one good and one bad thing. So how hard is it to choose between two bad things?