Esperanza Rising The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She tried to find the place in her heart where her life was anchored, but she couldn't, so she closed her eyes and pressed the palms of her hands against the earth, making sure it was there. (6.65)

When Esperanza feels lost and homeless, she tries to ground herself with, well, the ground. After all, that's one thing that's definitely not going anywhere.

Quote #5

"Is this our cabin or Hortensia's and Alfonso's?" asked Esperanza, hoping that hers and Mama's might be better.

"We are all together in this cabin," said Mama. (7.12)

Esperanza is used to living in a mansion, and now she has to adjust to living with four other people in a two-room shack. This will be a major reality check.

Quote #6

"Esperanza, if we had stayed in Mexico and I had married Tío Luis, we would have had one choice. To be apart and miserable. Here, we have two choices. To be together and miserable or to be together and happy. Mija, we have each other and Abuelita will come." (7.23)

At first, Esperanza focuses on all the material things her family has lost. But Mama steps in and lays down the law. She reminds her that they can be happy, as long as they are together. Maybe "home" is more than just a house?