Esperanza Rising Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Mama looked across at the girl's mother. "I am sorry for my daughter's bad manners."

Esperanza is totally confused that her mom is apologizing to a peasant. But by apologizing, Mama is showing Esperanza that social class doesn't indicate anything about a person's character. She's also showing her that it's not cool to be a spoiled brat.

Quote #5

"Mama, she is poor and dirty..." said Esperanza.

But Mama interrupted. "When you scorn these people, you scorn Miguel, Hortensia, and Alfonso. And you embarrass me and yourself. As difficult as it is to accept, our lives are different now." (5.55-56)

Oh, snap. Mama's scolding really upsets Esperanza—probably because she knows Mama is right.

Quote #6

Carmen smiled. "I am poor, but I am rich. I have my children, I have a garden with roses, and I have my faith and the memories of those who have gone before me. What more is there?"

Hortensia and Mama smiled, nodding their heads. And after a few thoughtful moments, Mama was blotting away stray tears. (5.83-84)

Carmen's philosophy, that family and the memories of loved ones are more important than money, is very similar to Mama's. In fact, it's the reason she and Esperanza are on this journey in the first place, right? How long does it take Esperanza to come to the same conclusion?