Violence Quotes in Fight Club

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #7

A man on the street will do anything not to fight. (16.19)

Although the average person will avoid a fight, it seems that once they realize what it's really like—by joining fight club—they can't get enough. Like peanut butter and pickles. Mmmm.

Quote #8

I hit our first-timer and hammered that beautiful mister angel face, first with the bony knuckles of my fist like a pounding molar, and then the knotted tight butt of my fist after my knuckles were raw from his teeth stuck through his lips. (16.52)

How's this for an incredibly graphic scene? There's no kidding around in fight club. We've heard of bare-knuckle boxing, but these knuckles are bare to the bone.

Quote #9

You can build up a tolerance to fighting, and maybe I needed to move on to something bigger. (16.55)

Violent video games, movies, music, and TV shows (and maybe even the evening news) have all been criticized for desensitizing people to violence. But perhaps the fastest way to get desensitized is to be the one committing the violence. To our narrator, fight club is like a gateway drug. After he gets used to it, he has to move on to something bigger: Project Mayhem.